Request for proposal

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ( publication: 1.09.2015 )

In connection with the project, entitled:“Implementation of innovative, environmentally friendly technology for recovery of metals.” by Wtor-Steel Limited Liability Company.

Co-financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the years 2009-2014, under the Green Industry Innovation Program Poland (project no.: 2014/106317).

If you have any questions relating to the request for proposal, please complete the contact form, and then send it to the following address:


The terms of reference will be sent in return.

Contact form


 –  System for the recovery of metals from shredded waste   (wersja .doc)

 – System for the recovery of metals from shredded waste  (wersja .docx)

23.09.2015 r.

Tendering has been completed.
Thank you for your interest.
