Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland

Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009 – 2014 (Norway Grants)
Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland

The Green Industry Innovation Programme Poland (later referred to as the Programme) is a business development programme aiming to increase competitiveness of green enterprises, including greening of existing industries and green innovation.

The Green Industry Innovation Programme‘s vision is: Good for business and good for the environment. All projects to be funded by this Programme have to aim at a final result of improving the environmental performance of enterprises.

The Programme specific outcome is “Realization of business opportunities of greening the European economy”. The Programme Operator is Innovation Norway, a state owned entity under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Norwegian County Municipalities.

The highest degree of transparency, accountability and cost efficiency as well as the principles of good governance, sustainability, gender equality and equal opportunities shall apply in implementation of Norway Grants.

The total available amount for co-financing of projects in this Programme is EUR 17 783 000 under an Individual Projects Scheme.